Travel Guides 应用

South Africa Travel Guide 5
Travel Guides
South Africa is an exceptionally beautifulcountry filled with beautiful rugged landscapes, warm, diversepeoples and a richness in its fauna and flora. From the beautifulmountain views of Table Mountain in the Cape and the DrakensbergMountains in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape, to the dry desertof the Kalahari and Karoo, and the pristine coastlines of theGarden Route and Wild Coast, South Africa is a country withattractions worth exploring because of its diversity and culture.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Copenhagen Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
While Copenhagen has no glittering skylines, it does offer so muchfor the weary traveller. Throngs of bicycles glide along in amplebike lanes at a pace that's utterly human. The early-morning air inthe pedestrian streets of the city's core is redolent of freshlybaked bread and soap-scrubbed storefronts, that tease you to enter.If there's such a thing as an easy-going trip, you will find ithere.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Edinburgh Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
The beautiful city of Edinburgh is anenchanting place for a break this spring. The diverse range ofattractions from Dynamic Earth and Edinburgh Castle to the CameraObscura and Royal Yacht Britannia, mean you are in for a perfecttime. For a capital city, Edinburgh is a surprisingly green placeand, even in the heart, you are never far from wide open spaceswhere you can take in amazing views, or just relax and enjoy thegreat outdoors on crisp winter days.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
New Zealand Travel Guide 8.1
Travel Guides
New Zealand is the youngest country on earth -the last major landmass to be discovered. It has a rich andfascinating history, reflecting both our Maori and Europeanheritage. Amazing Maori historic sites and taonga (treasures), somedating back almost a thousand years, are a contrast to manybeautiful colonial buildings. A walk around any New Zealand citytoday shows what a culturally diverse and fascinating country wehave become.A simple to use travel guide, featuring all the must seelocations plus offline maps to those locations. As well as all thecountry info you need, from Visa requirements, best time to go, ashort history, money matters, and much more. And now all the majorannual events.
Brazil Travel Guide 8.0
Travel Guides
Some of the world's most exciting cities lieinside of Brazil's borders, and travelers need not come to Carnavalto experience the music, dance and revelry that pack so manycalendar nights. Given the country's innumerable charms, the onlydrawback to traveling in Brazil is a logistical (and financial)one: you simply won't want to leave.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Egypt Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
Egypt is probably the world's oldestcivilization having emerged from the Nile Valley around 3,100 BC,historically. Egypt is probably one of the oldest vacation spots.Early Greeks, Romans and others went there just for fun, and to seethe wonders of some of mankind's earliest triumphs. But Egypt ismuch more than Pyramids and monuments. It is also Red Sea scubadiving, hot night spots, luxury hotels and five star restaurants.It is romantic cruises down the Nile on festive river boats, anight at the grand opera and it is a cultural experience like noneyou have ever experienced. Egypt is a land bustling with life,sound, visual beauty and excitement. More than anything else, wewant you to think of Egypt as fun. For thousands of years, it hasbeen the playground of emperors and kings, and we hope you willtake the time to find out why.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Chile Travel 7
Travel Guides
You haven't really travel to Chile unless you had seen thebreathtaking landscapes placed in the southern ends of the world.It can be a life changing experience. The ultimate travel guidecomes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has: - allthe must see locations, including pictures, details and an offlinemap - offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access - all the country info you need to know before yougo - all the annual events you should go to if you can - an offlineversion of the wikitravel page - the current local time - theexchange rate - the local weather
Leipzig Offline Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
Leipzig doesn’t call itself the City of Musicfor nothing, from the latest clubs and rock music, to some of thefinest classical music and opera in the country, and its art andliterary scenes are flourishing. It was once home to Bach,Schumann, Wagner and Mendelssohn, and to Goethe, who set a keyscene of Faust in the cellar of his favourite watering hole. Andthe university still attracts students from all over the world.It’s the kind of city you just can’t help liking.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Hawaii Travel Guide 8
Travel Guides
The fresh, floral air energizes you. The warm, tranquil watersrefresh you. The breathtaking, natural beauty renews you. Lookaround. There's no place on earth like Hawaii. Whether you're a newvisitor or returning, our six unique islands offer distinctexperiences that will entice any traveler. We warmly invite you toexplore our islands and discover your ideal travel experience. Theultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offline viewing.This guide has: - all the must see locations, including pictures,details and an offline map - all the country info you need to knowbefore you go - all the annual events you should go to if you can -an offline version of the wikitravel page - the current local time- the exchange rate - the local weather
Madrid Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
The capital of Spain since 1562, Madrid is located on thegeographic center of the Iberian Peninsula. Because of its centrallocation and high altitude, the climate of Madrid is characterizedby warm dry summers and cool winters. Madrid is a city of greatmonuments. Among its highlights are the medieval center dating backto the Habsburg Empire and the Prado Museum. But Madrid is not justa cultural destination. It is also a lively metropolis with manypubs, cafes, discotheques and nightclubs open late into the night.Don't be surprised if you get stuck in a traffic jam at four in themorning, and the people you meet are not necessarily going off towork. The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has: - all the must see locations, includingpictures, details and an offline map - offline maps, at 4 levels,so you can find your way without internet access - all the countryinfo you need to know before you go - all the annual events youshould go to if you can - an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time - the exchange rate - the local weather
Venice Offline Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
The latest offline travel guide to Venice, with loads ofinformation, pictures, and a full offline map. Designed especiallyfor your tablet! Over 220 must see must see locations. Full offlinemap of Venice. Lots of city information. Trip creator. Travel tips& checklist Common Conversion 7-day weather forecast Currencyconvertor. Offline information on hotels, hostels, restaurants,nightlife and activities. And much more.
London Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
If you want history and culture we've got it,but we can also show you how to have a good time. If you want tolaze around London's pubs and restaurants, see a show at a West Endtheatre, take in a concert of one of London's five symphonyorchestras, visit the opera or see the next Smiths, Oasis orRolling Stones appearing in a pub venue we have the details. Weoffer a mixture of fact and opinion designed to enable you to makethe most of your visit, without getting ripped off - we can evenshow you how to get it all for free.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Tokyo Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
Tokyo is a truly modern megacity with the greater urban area havinga population of 35 million, making it the most populous city in theworld. Tokyo has no specific centre, instead it has 23 specialwards that make up the central area of Tokyo. Only ten or so are ofgreat interest to tourist. See Tokyo Districts below.
Hamburg Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
Hamburg is referred to as Germany's Gateway tothe World. It is the country's biggest port and the second-busiestin Europe, despite being located astride the River Elbe, some 100kilometres from the North Sea. It is also Germany's second citywith a population of over 1.8 million, and the Greater HamburgMetropolitan Region has a population of over four million. Hamburgis proud of its status as a "Free and Hanseatic City" and is anindependent state, one of the Germany's 16 federal states orBundesländer.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Japan Travel Guide 8.0
Travel Guides
Japan is a land of striking scenic beauty.First time visitors are impressed by its greenness and itsmountains, which cover nearly three-quarters of the country. Gentleplains and intermountain basins account for only about 25% ofJapanese territory. Here, the flat lands are geologically young andthe soil runoff from the surrounding mountains is shallow.A simple to use travel guide, featuring all the must seelocations plus offline maps to those locations. As well as all thecountry info you need, from Visa requirements, best time to go, ashort history, money matters, and much more. And now all the majorannual events.
Finland Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
Finland has so much to offer, snowy winters, pleasantly warmsummers and colourful spring and autumn. Lapland is the most snowguaranteed place in the Europe. Not only the climate but also Finnsare considered to be cool,a bit quiet and reserved at first, butafter a little time you will know them as warm, friendly,hospitable and especially honest people. The ultimate travel guidecomes to your Android, with offline viewing. This guide has: - allthe must see locations, including pictures, details and an offlinemap - all the country info you need to know before you go - all theannual events you should go to if you can - an offline version ofthe wikitravel page - the current local time - the exchange rate -the local weather
Rome Travel Guide 6.0
Travel Guides
Modern and old, past and present go side byside in Rome all the time, so be prepared to step into the worldsbiggest open air museum, and one of Europes most vibrant cities.You can decide to follow the typical tourist paths or you can beluck or brave enough to go off the usual tracks. One way or theother, Rome will seduce you and it will hardly leave youindifferent. It will surprise you, like a beautiful middle agedwoman that has still plenty to offer and whose beauty is just beenmerely blurred by time passing by.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Toronto Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
Toronto walks the line between Americancultural osmosis and staunch northern independence. Masters of thisbalancing act, Torontonians embrace both worlds with verve andopen-mindedness. Enlightened, multicultural and uniquely Canadian -welcome to T.O.!The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Lisbon Offline Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
The latest offline travel guide to Lisbon, with loads ofinformation, pictures, and a full offline map. Designed especiallyfor your tablet! Over 210 must see must see locations. Full offlinemap of Lisbon with must see locations. Lots of city information.Trip creator. Travel tips & checklist Common Conversion 7-dayweather forecast Currency convertor. Email details to friends.WIkipedia page for Lisbon. Search facility Country information aswell. Offline information on hotels, hostels, restaurants,nightlife and activities. And much more.
San Francisco Travel Guide 6.0
Travel Guides
Lyon is one of the largest cities in Franceand the beautiful cultural capital of theBetween the hot artsscene, the tempting boutiques, the awesome bay views, and all thosestellar, locally focused restaurants and wine bars, San Franciscois the perfect place to indulge yourself. You will find somethingto suit every aspect of your travel persona, from wanna-be rockstar to rock climber.The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Vancouver Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
It is a gem in the west coast of the NorthAmerican continent and tagged as one of the best cities to live in.The cultural scene is very colorful with hotels and restaurantsbeing able to accommodate the flock of tourists falling in lovewith the city. Vancouver forms an excellent picture of modernskyscrapers with the coastal mountains as backdrop.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Melbourne Travel Guide 6.0
Travel Guides
Melbourne is a city with endless options. Thecity sweeps you up into laneways and libraries, attractions, artgalleries, parks, theatres and a vibrant waterfront atmosphere. Itboasts great events, a passion for food and wine and a fabulousarts scene. Known as a style-setter, Melbourne is home to anon-stop program of festivals, renowned dining, major artexhibitions and musical extravaganzas.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Hong Kong Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
Hong Kong is one of the world's most dynamiccities. It offers many unique experiences to visitors, such as ThePeak, Star Ferry, Tramways, dynamic street markets, bustlingshopping areas, Hong Kong Disneyland, Ocean Park and much muchmore.
France Travel Guide 8.0
Travel Guides
Every region of France offers something uniqueand very rewarding. The provinces offer great landscapes and insideview into their unique cultures. Paris brings you to a world ofart, food and fashion, three staples to the country's heritage.With such a diverse mix of attractions of environments, France cansatisfy any traveler's requirements for a fulfilling visit. Fromthe lovely quaint villages, to the fantastic scenery, and of coursevisiting the grand historical monuments, France has so much tooffer all travellers.A simple to use travel guide, featuring all the must seelocations plus offline maps to those locations. As well as all thecountry info you need, from Visa requirements, best time to go, ashort history, money matters, and much more. And now all the majorannual events.
Venice Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
Venice is a city in northern Italy which is renowned for the beautyof its setting, its architecture and its artworks. It is thecapital of the Veneto region.
Guangzhou Offline Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
The latest offline travel guide to Guangzhou, with loads ofinformation, pictures, and a full offline map. Designed especiallyfor your tablet! Over 210 must see must see locations. Full offlinemap of Guangzhou with must see locations. Lots of city information.Trip creator. Travel tips & checklist Common Conversion 7-dayweather forecast Currency convertor. Email details to friends.WIkipedia page for Guangzhou. Search facility Country informationas well. Offline information on hotels, hostels, restaurants,nightlife and activities. And much more.
South Africa Travel 7
Travel Guides
South Africa is an exceptionally beautiful country filled withbeautiful rugged landscapes, warm, diverse peoples and a richnessin its fauna and flora. From the beautiful mountain views of TableMountain in the Cape and the Drakensberg Mountains in KwaZulu-Nataland the Eastern Cape, to the dry desert of the Kalahari and Karoo,and the pristine coastlines of the Garden Route and Wild Coast,South Africa is a country with attractions worth exploringbecause of its diversity and culture. The ultimate travel guidecomes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has: - allthe must see locations, including pictures, details and an offlinemap - offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access - all the country info you need to know before yougo - all the annual events you should go to if you can - an offlineversion of the wikitravel page - the current local time - theexchange rate - the local weather
England Travel Guide 5.0
Travel Guides
There are nine separate regions of England and all are differentand intriguing in their own right. The sleepless city of London andthe historical Yorkshire are fine places to start your journey. TheNorthwest region has a variety of sporting events as well as someof the finest rural views you will ever see. The ultimate travelguide comes to your Android, with offline viewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map - all the country info you need to know before you go -all the annual events you should go to if you can - an offlineversion of the wikitravel page - the current local time - theexchange rate - the local weather
Laos Travel Guide 8
Travel Guides
Laos has a rich history stretching back 10,000 years. At itsheight, it ruled over present day Laos and much of neighbouringnorthern Thailand. Landlocked and laid-back, it’s a unique spin onthe Southeast Asia experience.--nn--Here Buddhism permeates everyfacet of life, change comes slowly, and cities bed down early. Theperfect place to break from office politics or put a pause in ahyperactive travel agenda, this land of mountain, mists and untamednatural beauty tempts with unrivalled peace and serenity. Open yourheart, open your mind, and let the genuine faith and generoushospitality of Laos replenish your soul. The ultimate travel guidecomes to your Android, with offline viewing. This guide has: - allthe must see locations, including pictures, details and an offlinemap - all the country info you need to know before you go - all theannual events you should go to if you can - an offline version ofthe wikitravel page - the current local time - the exchange rate -the local weather
Italy Travel Guide 8.0
Travel Guides
The romantic culture and bravado of Italyalone earns a place on anyones must visit list. Between thewonderful wines and fine dining available throughout the country,this is a vacation that will not disappoint. It is said that twothirds of the world's historical artistic heritage resides in Italy(Spain is a distant second). There are so many sights, but therelaxed culture can also make your visit dolce far niente -essentially doing nothing, an enjoyable one as well.A simple to use travel guide, featuring all the must seelocations plus offline maps to those locations. As well as all thecountry info you need, from Visa requirements, best time to go, ashort history, money matters, and much more. And now all the majorannual events.
Bulgaria Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
A picturesque small country, Bulgaria has existed for more than 13centuries in Europe, linking East and West. Bulgaria capturesancient civilisations and the great people that wrote its turbulenthistory. Situated in Southeastern Europe, Bulgaria occupies thenortheastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, and has many gorgeouscities and sites that will entrance all visitors. The ultimatetravel guide comes to your Android, with offline viewing. Thisguide has: - all the must see locations, including pictures,details and an offline map - offline maps, at 4 levels, so you canfind your way without internet access - all the country info youneed to know before you go - all the annual events you should go toif you can - an offline version of the wikitravel page - thecurrent local time - the exchange rate - the local weather
Cambodia Travel Guide 6.0
Travel Guides
There’s a magic about Cambodia that casts aspell on many who visit this charming yet confounding kingdom.Ascend to the realm of the gods at the mother of all temples,Angkor Wat, a spectacular fusion of symbolism, symmetry andspirituality. Descend into the hell of Tuol Sleng and come face toface with the Khmer Rouge and its killing machine. Welcome to theconundrum that is Cambodia: a country with a history both inspiringand depressing, an intoxicating place where the future is waitingto be shaped.The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Macau Travel Guide 8
Travel Guides
For many, modern Macau (Macao) calls to mindcomparisons with Las Vegas and images of leviathan casino resorts.While reflective of the special administrative region of thePeople's Republic of China's contemporary tourism face and statusas a premier leisure and entertainment destination in East Asia,not all Macau hotels glimmer with slot machine bling. Furthermore,not all landmarks in the venerable Portuguese and Chinese lovechild territory fall in line with Sin City excess and pomp.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Argentina Travel Guide 6
Travel Guides
Argentina stretches almost 3500km from Boliviato the tip of South America, encompasses a wide array of geographyand climates, and is almost as big as India. Nature-lovers canclimb South America's highest peak, traverse the Patagonian steppe,walk among thousands of penguins and witness the world's mostamazing waterfalls. City slickers will adore fabulous Buenos Aires,full of opportunities to learn Spanish, watch fútbol (soccer),dance the sexy tango and interact with dynamic and beautifulporteños (Buenos Aires locals).The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Malaysia Travel Guide 8
Travel Guides
Visiting Malaysia lets you leap into the jawsof one of the most interesting parts of Southeast Asia's roaringcultural smorgasbord – and not be too worried about it. Cheapconnections to Europe and great exchange rates mean that you won'tget eaten up by your wallet either.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Thailand Travel Guide 8.1
Travel Guides
Tourism has been a booming industry in Thailand for a few yearsnow, so the experience one will have visiting the country will be amagnificent one. The country is truly a mix of old and new. Theancient ruins and villages are juxtaposed with the ultra-modernarchitecture and five-star hotels and dining. The ultimate travelguide comes to your Android, with offline viewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map - all the country info you need to know before you go -all the annual events you should go to if you can - an offlineversion of the wikitravel page - the current local time - theexchange rate - the local weather
Oslo Offline Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
The capital of Norway is one of the few cities in the world whereyou can enjoy the water during summer and in the same boundarieshave fun skiing during winters. The charm of the Scandinavian lifeis there but the outdoor culture of Oslo makes travelers fall inlove with the place. New flights will be coming in to the city andthe prices are expected to become more affordable. Oslo will hostthe 2010 Eurovision Song Contest. The ultimate travel guide comesto your Android, with offline viewing. This guide has: - all themust see locations, including pictures, details and an offline map- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access - all the country info you need to know before yougo - all the annual events you should go to if you can - an offlineversion of the wikitravel page - the current local time - theexchange rate - the local weather
Bucharest Travel Guide 5.0
Travel Guides
The capital city of multicultural Romania, Bucharest truly is theheart of the country. Peruse stunning architecture, brush up onyour history or take in a gallery, Bucharest has something foreveryone. Stroll through one of the many parks on a balmy summerday or experience some traditional Romanian cuisine in the heart ofthe city. Finish each day at one of the cities stunning restaurantsor hit the buzzing nightclubs if that’s more your thing. Whateveryou’re into, Bucharest won’t disappoint. The ultimate travel guidecomes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has: - allthe must see locations, including pictures, details and an offlinemap - offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access - all the country info you need to know before yougo - all the annual events you should go to if you can - an offlineversion of the wikitravel page - the current local time - theexchange rate - the local weather
Sydney Travel Guide 6.0
Travel Guides
There are so many things to see and do in Sydney, from tours tocruises. Some can be done at a leisurely pace and others will setthe adrenalin flowing. Sydney belongs to the exclusive club ofcities that generate excitement, which you can feel right away onceentering the harbor, where thousands of yachts are suspended on thedark water and the sails of the Opera House glisten in thedistance. The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, withoffline viewing. This guide has: - all the must see locations,including pictures, details and an offline map - all the countryinfo you need to know before you go - all the annual events youshould go to if you can - an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time - the exchange rate - the local weather
USA Travel Guide 8.1
Travel Guides
While the country is very large in area, the United States doesoffer everything one could ask for. Tropical locations in Hawaiiand Florida, unique landmarks in the Statue of Liberty, GrandCanyon and Washington D.C, and wonderful cities like Chicago, LosAngeles and Boston. The country would take a long time to explore,but every region offers a different culture and its own set ofwonderful sights. A simple to use travel guide, featuring all themust see locations plus offline maps to those locations. As well asall the country info you need, from Visa requirements, best time togo, a short history, money matters, and much more. And now all themajor annual events.
Auckland Travel Guide 6.0
Travel Guides
Auckland's waterside location has fostered thelocals' love affair with the sea, earning this place the nickname"City of Sails". Auckland sprawls over a narrow isthmus between thesparkling waters of the Waitemata and Manukau Harbours. A cloak ofrainforest covers the surrounding hills, dozens of dormant volcaniccones dot the landscape and enchanting holiday islands arescattered throughout the vast Hauraki Gulf.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
New York Travel Guide 6.0
Travel Guides
New York can be anything you want it to be.It's why countless people have pinned their dreams on the place,thrown caution to the wind and shown up on its doorstep.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Boston Travel Guide 6.0
Travel Guides
Bostons narrow streets recall a history ofrevolution and transformation: Patriots protesting tyranny andbuilding a new nation; philosophers and poets preaching and penningto change their world for the better. However, not a single elementhas influenced the city so profoundly as its educationalinstitutions. As in the past, Boston's universities and collegescontinue to attract scholars, scientists, philosophers and writerswho shape the city's evolving culture. Students arrive from aroundthe world, an endless source of energy for the youthful city. Findout the best reasons to visit BostonThe ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offlineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and anoffline map- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way withoutinternet access- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather
Cairo Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
Cairo, and the area around it are considered to be the heart ofEgypt, and one may find almost every aspect of Egypt represented inthe area, including some of the most famous Pharaonic, ancientChristian and Islamic monuments. The ultimate travel guide comes toyour Android, with offline viewing. This guide has: - all the mustsee locations, including pictures, details and an offline map - allthe country info you need to know before you go - all the annualevents you should go to if you can - an offline version of thewikitravel page - the current local time - the exchange rate - thelocal weather
Orlando Offline Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
Straddling north and south Florida, Orlando is the gateway for manyvisitors, primarily because it's close to all things Disney.Orlando is one of the world's premier travel destinations, and morethan 50-million people visit our area every year, enjoying the manyattractions, beaches, and events that make Central Florida a greatplace to visit and live. The ultimate travel guide comes to yourAndroid, with offline viewing. This guide has: - all the must seelocations, including pictures, details and an offline map - offlinemaps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way without internet access- all the country info you need to know before you go - all theannual events you should go to if you can - an offline version ofthe wikitravel page - the current local time - the exchange rate -the local weather
China Travel Guide 5
Travel Guides
China is going through change right now.Youmay see the tradition market gathering in town, only to bepartedby a BMW slowly traveling down the road. The immense historyhasremained visible and the 2008 Olympics in Beijing doesn'thurteither. The population growth as well as their stake in theworld'sbusiness affairs is truly a marvel that can only beappreciated upclose and personal.A simple to use travel guide, featuring all the mustseelocations plus offline maps to those locations. As well as allthecountry info you need, from Visa requirements, best time to go,ashort history, money matters, and much more. And now all themajorannual events.
Seattle Offline Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
The latest offline travel guide to Seattle, with loads ofinformation, pictures, and a full offline map. Designed especiallyfor your tablet! Over 230 must see must see locations. Full offlinemap of Seattle with must see locations. Lots of city information.Trip creator. Travel tips & checklist Common Conversion 7-dayweather forecast Currency convertor. Email details to friends;Offline information on hotels, hostels, restaurants, nightlife andactivities. And much more.
Xian Offline Travel Guide 1.0
Travel Guides
The latest offline travel guide to Xian,withloads of information, pictures, and a full offline map.Designedespecially for your tablet!Over 210 must see must see locations.Full offline map of Xian with must see locations.Lots of city information.Trip creator.Travel tips & checklistCommon Conversion7-day weather forecastCurrency convertor.Email details to friends.WIkipedia page for Xian.Search facilityCountry information as well.Offline information on hotels, hostels, restaurants, nightlifeandactivities.And much more.
German Travel Guide 5
Travel Guides
Some countries are simply allowed to be,butGermany has had to reinvent itself more times than Madonna. Andithas done so again since 1990, when reunification brought an endtomore than four decades of division (thanks for thecorrection,conetop!). In year 20 after its latest rebirth, Germanyis still acountry where you can witness history in the making. HeadtoHamburg, where an entire new quarter is being wrested fromthedetritus of a 19th-century harbour. Or to Dresden, where thedomedFrauenkirche church is once again the diamond in the shiningtiarathat is the city's famous skyline. And, of course, to Berlin,whoseclimate of openness spawns more creative experimentation thanaPetri dish on Viagra.A simple to use travel guide, featuring all the mustseelocations plus offline maps to those locations. As well as allthecountry info you need, from Visa requirements, best time to go,ashort history, money matters, and much more. And now all themajorannual events.
Marrakech Offline Travel Guide 8.1
Travel Guides
Situated at the foot of the Atlasmountains,the imperial city of Marrakech is full of history, theculturalcenter of Morocco and beautiful. If you enjoy a dailyassault onall your senses then you'll have a lot of fun. When themostpopular sights include numerous references to "tranquility"and"peace" like the Majorelle gardens or the gardens aroundtheSaadian Tombs you know you're in for an interesting experience.Ifyou find it a little overwhelming then this guide will helpyoufind your way around.The ultimate travel guide comes to your Android, withofflineviewing. This guide has:- all the must see locations, including pictures, details andanoffline map- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your waywithoutinternet access- all the country info you need to know before you go- all the annual events you should go to if you can- an offline version of the wikitravel page- the current local time- the exchange rate- the local weather